ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: August 2024 Civil Service Exam (CSE)




The August 2024 Career Service Exam – Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) Online Notice of School Assignment (ONSA) is expected to be released by the Civil Service Commission a few weeks before the date of exam. ONSA is the online notice which shows the testing venue or school assignment of an examinee who is scheduled to take the Civil Service Examination.

ONSA contains information such as the name of the examinee, the school or venue where the exam will be held, and the room number and seat number assigned to the examinee. To avoid any incoveniences or issues, it is important for examinees to check their assigned testing venue prior to the examination day.

Examinees can access their individual ONSA through the official website of the Civil Service Commission (CSC). This website has also compiled the organized list of all the room assignments for all the registered CSE-PPT examinees in all regions who will take the upcoming exam nationwide, so make sure you pin this page for quick and real-time updates.

Room Assignments

Examinees’ testing venue or school assignment for the August 2023 CSE-PPT (Professional and Subprofessional Levels) may be generated using ONSA or the Online Notice of School Assignment. The CSC Regional Offices (ROs) though may also initiate/utilize individual approaches in disseminating information on school assignments of their respective examinees. Examinees may check the availability of ONSA, through the CSC Website at, a week before the exam.

To use ONSA, examinees should encode/fill in the required data in the corresponding data fields accurately, following the indicated format. Examinees may opt to have a print-out of their Notice of School Assignment using ONSA for their personal reference, but, this is not mandatory and is not a requirement.

If examinees cannot access the ONSA and/or still do not know their school assignment one week before the examination day, they should INQUIRE DIRECTLY with the CSC Regional/Field Office concerned. A complete directory of CSC regional/field offices nationwide is available at the CSC Website.

>> Check Here Once Available <<

Important Reminders

[mks_icon icon=”fa-check” color=”#1c5583″ type=”fa”] Wearing of face masks shall be optional/voluntary. However, as a matter of prerogative, there may be CSC Regional Offices that may require the wearing of face masks. On the other hand, the following individuals are still recommended to wear face mask: (i) elderly; (ii) individuals with comorbidities; (iii) immunocompromised individuals; (iv) pregnant women; (v) unvaccinated individuals; and (vi) symptomatic individuals.

[mks_icon icon=”fa-check” color=”#1c5583″ type=”fa”] No I.D. Card/Document, No Exam Policy shall be implemented.

[mks_icon icon=”fa-check” color=”#1c5583″ type=”fa”] Be at the testing venue not later than 6:30 a.m., or as required by the CSC Regional/Field Offices concerned.

[mks_icon icon=”fa-check” color=”#1c5583″ type=”fa”] Gates of testing venues shall be closed to examinees at exactly 7:45 A.M. Examinees who arrive later than 7:45 A.M. shall not be admitted to take the exam.

[mks_icon icon=”fa-check” color=”#1c5583″ type=”fa”] If feasible, visit and conduct an ocular inspection of the assigned school/testing venue at least one day before the examination day to be familiar with the school location and its route/direction, the available means of public transport, and the time and motion requirement of travelling from point of origin to the school/testing venue. do not solely rely on gps navigation/route/direction app to lead you to your testing venue on examination day.

[mks_icon icon=”fa-check” color=”#1c5583″ type=”fa”] Wear proper attire on examination day, preferably plain white shirt/tops. Examinees wearing sleeveless shirt/blouse, shorts/short pants, tokong pants, ripped jeans, and slippers will not be allowed to enter the exam venue. also, long hair must be tied.

[mks_icon icon=”fa-check” color=”#1c5583″ type=”fa”] Examinees are encouraged to use transparent bag.

[mks_icon icon=”fa-check” color=”#1c5583″ type=”fa”] Bringing of cellular phones, including smart phones/watches and pens/eyeglasses with built-in camera, and any other gadgets/electronic devices, including those that may facilitate video/audio recording of any test material/form, or part/portion/phase of the conduct of the exam, and all other similar items, in examinee’s seat is not allowed.Β 

[mks_icon icon=”fa-check” color=”#1c5583″ type=”fa”] Also, examinees are not allowed to keep their cellphones and any other gadgets in their pockets during the examination. Examinees are also not allowed to wear smart watches during the examination.

[mks_icon icon=”fa-check” color=”#1c5583″ type=”fa”] Before occupying the assigned seat, examinees shall deposit their bags (with their cellphones, and gadgets including smart watches inside), and all other personal belongings in front of the room, or in the designated area. No bags, or any other personal belongings, shall be placed under the seat.

[mks_icon icon=”fa-check” color=”#1c5583″ type=”fa”] Use of any aid in answering the test (such as calculators; watch calculators; tablets; books, dictionaries and other forms of printed materials; and any other similar materials/items/gadgets) is not allowed.

[mks_icon icon=”fa-check” color=”#1c5583″ type=”fa”] Examinees are not allowed to use any piece of paper, or any part of their body/skin or clothing for scratch work. Also, do not use, as scratch paper, the. Side margins and the back page of the answer sheet. Instead, examinees shall use only the spaces on the pages of the test booklet for scratch work.

[mks_icon icon=”fa-check” color=”#1c5583″ type=”fa”] Examinees are not allowed to take photo/picturenideo of any part/section of the test booklet, answer sheet, or any examination related forms/materials, and/or of other examinees and the testing venue/room, and/or of “selfie”, before, during, or after the examination and post them in the social media, including posting or publishing of any test questions in the social media, and other communication/info dissemination platforms.

[mks_icon icon=”fa-check” color=”#1c5583″ type=”fa”] Bringing of the test booklet outside of the testing room/venue is strictly prohibited. The examination or test results of those found violating this rule shall be cancelled.

Examinees’ Guide

A link to the Examinee’s Guide in Taking CSE-PPT (Revised, February 2024) is also available through the ONSA. Examinees are strongly advised to access this link, read thoroughly, and understand fully the examinee’s guide to be familiar with the examination process.

Serving as the orientation/briefing material of examinees, the Examinee’s Guide contains comprehensive information on the conduct of the examination to include guidelines and procedures to be observed before and during exam day among other concerns.

The Examinee’s Guide is intended for the exclusive use of examinees. Thus, examinees are advised NOT to re-distribute their copy of the guide on their Facebook Page, or any other communication platforms.

Things to Bring on Exam Day

1.Β I.D. CARD (original) – preferably the same I.D. card presented during the filing of exam application. In case of loss or unavailability, the examinee must present any of the other accepted I.D. cards for civil service exam (see Annex A), which is preferably valid, i.e., not expired on exam day.

  • Photocopy only of I.D. card, or cellphone photo of I.D., shall not be accepted.
  • All other I.D. cards not included in the list of accepted I.D. cards/documents for civil service exam shall not be accepted.
  • As a last resort, expired I.D. card may be presented for admission on examination day, provided that, the expiry date of the I.D. card is within the preceding month/s of the year reckoning the date of examination (or from 01 January 2024 to 02 March 2024).
  • If I.D. card has no date of birth, examinees should also bring their original Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority, or the Local Civil Registry.

2. BLACK BALL PEN/s (Note: Only BLACK BALL PEN shall be used in the examination. Pencils and any other kinds of pen such as gel pen, sign pen, fountain pen, friction pen, etc. including other colors of ball pen are not allowed.)

3. PERSONAL ALCOHOL/HAND SANITIZER (not more than 100 ml in size)

Also, examinees may opt to bring water in clear/transparent container, and/or candies/biscuits, which shall be inspected by the Room Examiner/Proctor.Β 

Examination Coverage

The following topics were covered in the August 2024 CSE-PPT for both Professional and Subprofessional levels:

1. Professional Level – In English and Filipino

  • Numerical Ability (Basic Operations; Word Problems)
  • Analytical Ability (Word Association – identifying assumptions and conclusions; Logic; Data Interpretation)
  • Verbal Ability (Grammar and Correct Usage; Vocabulary; Paragraph Organization; Reading Comprehension)

2. Subprofessional Level – In English and Filipino

  • Numerical Ability (Basic Operations; Word Problems)
  • Clerical Ability (Filing; Spelling)
  • Verbal Ability (Grammar and Correct Usage; Vocabulary; Paragraph Organization; Reading Comprehension)

The general information items on the following: Philippine Constitution; Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees (R.A. 6713); Peace and Human Rights Issues and Concepts; and Environment Management and Protection are also included for both professional and sub-professional exams. (Source: Civil Service Commission)

Number of Items

  • For Professional level, 170 items in a 3 hours and 10 minutes time will be given
  • For Sub-Professional level, 165 items in a 2 hours and 40 minutes time

The applicant is advised by the Commission to come at the examination center one hour before the test proper.

Passing Score

To pass the examination, the examinee must get an overall score of 80.00%.

Release of Results

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) is releasing the official list of passers for all regions in the August 2024 CSE-PPT within 60 days after the exams.

CSC advised examinees to directly coordinate with the CSC Regional Office for other concerns like verification of examinee number and further examination result-related matters.

Civil Service Eligibility

Career Service Professional Eligibility is the second appropriate level for first and second level government positions that do not involve the practice of the profession and are not covered by other laws.

Meanwhile, Subprofessional Eligibility is only appropriate for first level government positions that do not involve the practice of the profession and are not covered by other laws.

The CSE-PPT examination aims to establish a Register of Eligibles (RoE) from which certification and appointment to first and second-level positions in the civil service, except those involving the practice of the profession and are covered by special laws, shall be made, provided the eligibles meet the qualifications and other requirements of the positions.

Civil Service Commission Directory

We advise all applicants to bookmark and follow your respective regions/provinces’ official CSC Facebook Pages to be updated about the latest exam announcements:

Region 1 – Ilocos Region
Region 2 – Cagayan Valley
Region 3 – Central Luzon
Region 5 – Bicol Region
Region 6 – Western Visayas
Region 7 – Central Visayas
Region 8 – Eastern Visayas
Region 9 – Northern Mindanao
Region 10 – Zamboanga Peninsula
Region 11 – Davao RegionΒ 
Region 13 – Caraga Administrative RegionΒ 
NCR – National Capital RegionΒ 
CAR – Cordillera Administrative Region
BARMM – Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

Exam Updates

To keep updated on the official results and other updates regarding the conduct of the August 2024 CSE-PPT,Β we advise our visitors to bookmark this page, visit PRC’s official website, follow us on our social media pages:

Facebook Pages:

Facebook Groups


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