What is Career Service Eligibility – Preference Rating (CSE-PR)?




Career Service Eligibility – Preference Rating

Granted under CSC Resolution No. 2301123 dated 07 December 2023 (Grant of Career Service Eligibility – Preference Rating to Specific Workers in Government Agencies Based on Length of Service and Work Performance)

Who are Qualified for the Grant Of CSE-PR

The following shall be entitled to the grant of CSE-PR:

1. Job Order,

2. Contract of Service,

3. Casual,

4. Contractual,

5. Coterminous,

6. Categories III and IV Workers, and

7. Career employees in the first level serving in Government Agencies, who shall meet the following specific requirements:

  • He/she must have rendered or is rendering services in the government as a JOCOSC6 (whether as Job Order, Contract of Service, Casual, Contractual, Coterminous, occupying Categories III or IV position, Career service employee with first level eligibility, or a combination of any of the aforementioned), for at least ten (10) aggregate years on the date of filing of the application for the grant of CSE-PR;
  • He/she must have applied and taken the scheduled CSE, beginning with the 3_March 2024 CSE and thereafter, either CSE – Professional or CSE – Subprofessional level, whether through Pen-and-Paper Test (PPT) or other test modes, and obtained a failed rating of not lower than 70.00;
  • He/she must have at least a Very Satisfactory (VS) performance rating, or its equivalent, in the latest/available two (2) rating periods preceding the date of filing for the grant of CSE-PR; and
  • He/she must file the application for the grant of CSE-PR using the appropriate Application Form (CSE-PR Application Form) with complete requirements within six (6) months from the date of release of the results of the CSE taken.

Photo: Civil Service Commission

Appropriateness of the CSE-PR

The appropriateness of the resulting eligibility via CSE-PR shall be the same as that of CS Professional and CS Subprofessional Eligibility.

Date of Effectivity of CSE-PR

The resulting eligibility’s date of effectivity shall be the date of approval of the Supplemental Register of Eligibles (SROE)

Period of Filing of Application for CSE-PR

The filing of applications for the grant of CSE-PR should be made within six (6) months from the date of release of the results of the CSE taken.

Documentary Requirements for Submission by Applicants

The following must be submitted by the applicant for the grant of CSE-PR:

1. Duly accomplished CSE-PR Application Form (CS Form 101-CSE-PR (07 December 2023));

2. Three (3) pieces of identical I.D. pictures taken within the last three (3) months prior to the filing of the application with specifications, as follows:

a. passport size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm);
b. printed on quality photo paper;
c. in white background;
d. in standard close-up shot (from shoulder level up with the head and face occupying at least 80% of the picture and with the name tag positioned at approximately 1” below the chin);
e. in bare face (without eyeglasses/colored contact lens, or any accessory that may cover facial features; facial features not computer-enhanced);
f. showing left and right ears; and
g. with full name tag.


The name tag must legibly show the applicant’s signature over the complete printed name in the format First Name-Middle Initial-Last Name-Extension Name (if any); and

The name tag should not be computerized, meaning, the applicant should have his/her picture taken while holding his/her written name tag.


3. Original and photocopy of any of the following I.D. cards, which must be valid (not expired) upon the filing of the application, bearing the applicant’s complete name, picture, and signature, and the issuing officer’s name and signature:

a. Driver’s License / Temporary Driver’s License (LTO O.R. must be presented together with old Driver’s License; O.R. alone is not allowed) / Student Driver’s Permit;
b. Passport (with signature of the applicant);
c. SSS I.D. Card;
d. GSIS UMID Card;
e. Voter’s I.D./Voter’s Certification Card;
f. BIR/Taxpayer’s I.D. Card (ATM type/laminated card with picture type);
g. PhilHealth I.D. Card (must have the bearer’s name, clear picture, signature and PhilHealth number);
h. Current Company/Office I.D. Card;
i. School I.D. Card (must be duly validated for the current school year);
j. Police Clearance/Police Certificate (with picture);
k. Postal I.D. Card;
l. Barangay I.D. Card;
m. NBI Clearance;
n. Seaman’s Book;
o. HDMF Transaction I.D. Card;
p. PWD I.D. Card;
q. Solo Parent I.D. Card;
r. Senior Citizen’s I.D. Card; or
s. PhilSys ID Card.

Note: Any other I.D. card NOT included in the above list shall NOT be accepted. Alumni association membership, and health I.D. cards, including ATM cards, shall NOT be accepted.  

4. Original and photocopy of the Birth Certificate of the applicant issued/authenticated by the then National Statistics Office (NSO), now Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). In case the NSO or PSA Birth Certificate is not legible, or if the NSO or PSA has duly issued a negative certification of birth (NSO or PSA CRS Form No. 1) printed in NSO or PSA security form, the applicant shall, in addition, submit the original and photocopy of his/her Birth Certificate issued/authenticated by the Local Civil Registrar;

5. For married female applicants, the original and photocopy of Marriage Certificate issued/authenticated by the NSO or PSA. In case the NSO or PSA Marriage Certificate is not legible, or if the NSO or PSA has duly issued a negative certification of marriage printed in the NSO or PSA security form, the applicant shall, in addition, submit the original and photocopy of her Marriage Certificate issued/authenticated by the Local Civil Registrar;

6. Printed copy of the Report of Rating, as generated by the Online Career Service Examination Result Generation System (OCSERGS), or any CSE result generation application on the CSC Website (csc.gov.ph);

7. Notarized Certificate of Actual Services Rendered (using the prescribed CSE-PR Form 1 CAS, 07 December 2023) signed by the Head of Office or the highest Human Resource Management Officer (HRMO) of the employing  private contractor or service provider of the applicant indicating the period of employment as JOCOSC6 worker covering the concerned aggregate period; or Certificate of Actual Services Rendered signed by the Head of Office or the highest HRMO in case the applicant is directly employed by a government agency as JOCOSC6 covering the concerned aggregate period;

8. Copy of the notarized employment contract/s, appointment/s, or other evidence of employment as JOCOSC6 in any government agency covering the concerned aggregate period, certified as a true copy by the Head of Office or the highest HRMO of the employing agency or private contractor or service provider;

9. Copy of the notarized Performance Rating or its equivalent, as JOCOSC6 worker covering the latest/available two (2) rating periods immediately preceding the filing of an application for the grant of CSE-PR with at least a Very Satisfactory (VS) rating, certified by the Head of Office or the highest HRMO concerned;

10. Original/authenticated copy and photocopy of the Order/Resolution/Decision issued by the CSC or the Court on the correction of the name of the applicant (if the applicant’s name has been changed);

11. If the filing of the application is through a representative:

a. Authorization letter executed by the applicant; and
b. Original and photocopy of at least one (1) valid I.D. card of the representative as listed under Item I (3) hereof.

Photo: Civil Service Commission

Where to File the Applications for CSE-PR

  1. The properly accomplished CSE-PR Application Form, together with the pictures, and other documentary requirements, must be submitted to the CSC RO concerned, or to any of its CSC Field Offices (CSC FOs), which has jurisdiction over any of the government agencies where the JOCOSC6 is/was assigned or stationed.
  2. The date of the actual receipt/acknowledgement by the CSC of the CSE-PR application and supporting documents, regardless of the mode of filing of the application, shall be considered as the date of the official receipt thereof.

Modes of Filing of Application for CSE-PR

A. By the Applicant in Person;

This mode of filing an application involves the applicant himself/herself going to the CSC RO concerned, or to any of its FOs, to personally submit his/her application and documentary requirements. This is the most recommended mode of application filing, as this will allow interview of the applicant as to his/her qualifications and other circumstances relevant to his/her application for eligibility grant.

B. Through Representative;

This mode involves a representative of the applicant going to the CSC RO concerned, or to any of its FOs, to submit the application and documentary requirements.

Filing of application through a representative shall require the submission of the following additional documents:

– Authorization Letter executed by the applicant; and

– Original and photocopy of at least one (1) valid I.D. card of the representative.

Note: While filing of application may be coursed through a representative, the applicant shall be required to appear personally before the CSC RO for the proper issuance and acceptance of the Certificate of Eligibility (COE), should the application be approved. Representative/s shall not be allowed to receive the COE on behalf of the applicant-grantee.

C. Through Conduit CSC Regional Office (RO); and

This mode involves applicants who have moved to or are presently based in another region that is far-off from the authorized CSC RO having jurisdiction over their cases.

In this instance, an applicant concerned, or his/her representative, may file the application to the CSC RO nearest the applicant’s present place of residence or work. Said CSC RO shall act as conduit between the applicant and the authorized CSC RO in facilitating acceptance of the application, and release of the corresponding COE should the application for eligibility grant be approved.

This mode of application filing takes time, considering that communications between the conduit CSC RO and the authorized CSC RO are dispatched at least via registered mail.

D. Through Mail.

This mode involves the applicant sending his/her application and documentary requirements (including originals) to the CSC RO concerned through either registered mail, or courier. This mode takes time in view of anticipated exchange of communications. Delays and lost of documents through the negligence of the courier is beyond the control of the CSC RO concerned.


20 Comments. Leave new

  • Cherry rose libando
    May 18, 2024 5:26 pm


    May 18, 2024 7:05 pm

    I hope this will apply to the students too.

  • Alvin P. Ramos
    May 18, 2024 7:47 pm

    Good day po, ask ko lang if kailan po isusubmit ang application for CSE-PR, after po ba ng filing ng application forCSE-examination or magsasabay na po?

  • Cisco M. Aparici
    May 18, 2024 8:12 pm
  • Cisco M. Aparici
    May 18, 2024 8:17 pm

    Thank you! ♥️

  • Marjorie Jalilul
    May 18, 2024 9:55 pm


    May 19, 2024 4:10 am

    kailan po mgsusubmit ng CSE-PR?? isasabay n oo ba pg file ng CSC-PPT??

  • Ma Kristina mendoza
    May 19, 2024 4:27 pm

    Kagaya kopo ako Po ay 1 year and 5 months na Po na j.o. undergraduate. Po ako. Mababago Po ba Ang rate ko from 500 to 700 kc nkapasa napo ako sa CSC exams this march. Or pwede napo ba ako maging permanent. Kahit admin aide IV

    May 20, 2024 12:45 pm

    Hi po. Ask ko lang Po. 8 years na Po Kasi Ako as job order sa LGU namin. And before Po Ako naging JO naging BHW Po Ako Ng 3 years sa Barangay namin. Ask ko lang Po kung pwede Ako maka avail Ng grant of additional points. 75.95 Po Ang average ko this march 3, 2024 CSE-PPT. Thanks Po sa sasagot. God bless po

  • Jerrymie Feliciano
    May 20, 2024 1:09 pm

    Hello, wala po bang consideration sa mga examinee na Persons with Disability sa passing rate po? Thank you po

  • Alyssa Jane G. Magpusao
    May 20, 2024 1:51 pm
  • sunshine a.Biyong
    May 22, 2024 12:02 pm

    Thank you for your service

  • sunshine Biyong
    May 22, 2024 12:23 pm

    Its my first time to this opportunity to took the examination .Thank you for your service.

    • Melvin Madrid
      May 22, 2024 9:05 pm

      Pwede po ba mag apply kung government employee.. permanent na at 4 years sevice in assessment.. ano po dapat gawin? I got 76 my last examination since 2022.

  • Rojanah Colalo
    May 22, 2024 2:21 pm

    Good day po
    Ask lang po pwedi ba akong mag avail Ng CSE-PR kahit 2 years and 6months lang Akong JO?
    I got 73.22 score last CSC exam this march 03, 2024.

  • Melvin Madrid
    May 22, 2024 9:08 pm

    At sana marami po kyo matulungan..🙏

  • Pweedi ko parin ba ma apply ung average ko na 73 kapag na reach kuna ung 10 years of service? 5 years palang po kasi ako sa service then may average po ako na 73..

  • Estela Gensaya
    May 23, 2024 1:43 pm

    I hope applicable to sa lahat kahit di government employee.. I got 75.93 last march 2024 exam but im not a government employee..huhu

  • Allan Paul P. Gumpal
    May 26, 2024 6:56 pm

    Good evening ask ko lang po kung saan pwede mag registered for exam sa August 2024, saan pwede e submit ung fill up form, thanks po sa makakasagot.

  • Jengky Suan
    June 7, 2024 9:47 pm

    Government lang po ba? How about po sa private na more than 10 yrs in service na po?


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